Sunday, 30 June 2013


Sermon at St. Nicholas’s Parish Church, Porton -  Fifth  Sunday after Trinity 
Bourne Valley Team Eucharist  – Sunday 30 June 2013

Galatians 5:1; 13-25; Luke 9:51

May the words of my mouth and the mediation of all our hearts be always acceptable to you, O Lord.  Amen

Today is a very special day in the Salisbury Diocese of the Church of England. Today is the day that a number of men and women will be ordained Deacons by the Bishop of Salisbury in the Cathedral this morning – the first of the Holy Orders set out in the Book of Common Prayer and the first step to priesthood.  Amongst those will be Mark Phillips from our own Deanery parish of Pitton and our thoughts and prayers must be with him, Claire and his family as he sets forth on God’s ordained ministry.  As with most ministries, Mark’s would have started with a call from God – not always clear but always persistent and compelling.

Our gospel reading this morning has, at its heart, the difficulties and sacrifices which such a call from God has, to whatever ministry he is asking us to; but also a hint at the rewards it can also bring.  Paul has much more to say about the rewards in his letter to the Galatians, a portion of which formed our first reading this morning.

I have heard the gospel reading from Luke umpteen times and I have always found it slightly confusing and worrying – and in order to write this sermon I read it again several times to see how it now spoke to me before delving into any concordance to try and fathom it out.  There seem to be two separate and distinct parts to this passage – but to begin to understand them, we need have a bit of an understanding of the historic and biblical background to the scene.

The first part concerns the Samaritan village – and it is interesting that this part of the story only occurs in Luke – you will not find a parallel account in any of the other four gospels.  We read that this event occurred towards the end of Jesus’s life on earth but this journeying to Jerusalem with his disciples should not be confused with his final journey to his death and resurrection.  Like all good Jews, Jesus would have frequently visited the Temple and it is believed that this particular journey was much earlier in his ministry – it may very well have been the trip to the Feast of the Tabernacles which John recounts in Chapter 7 of his gospel.  When we know that Jesus didn’t start his ministry until the age of 30 and was crucified, resurrected and ascended at the age of 33 we can see that in terms of his earthly life it was indeed “when the days drew near to be taken up” as Luke puts it.

In order to go from Galilee to Jerusalem (which was in Judaea) it would have been necessary for Jesus and his disciples to pass through Samaria – a province whose inhabitants despised the Jews intensely – hence the importance of the message in the parable of the Good Samaritan.  Indeed, in order to avoid going through Samaria, many Jewish travellers to Jerusalem would have crossed the Jordan high up and then travelled along the east bank – a much longer but less troublesome route.  It is interesting, therefore, that Jesus chose the more direct and difficult route on this occasion – almost courting problems.

When I heard this story originally I really couldn’t understand why the village did not welcome him “because he was heading for Jerusalem”. In fact when you understand the hatred with which the Samaritans had for the Jews, the fact that Jesus and his followers were on their way to a Jewish festival would have clearly marked them out as people to be despised. 

This clearly incensed John and James (the sons of Zebedee the fisherman) whose response was to want to “nuke” the village or in more biblical parlance call down fire to destroy them.  No doubt they had in mind the calling down of fire by Elijah on the captains and their soldiers sent from the King of Samaria back in 2 Kings (1:9-14). By this act, Elijah was able to demonstrate to the king that he was indeed a man of God.    As followers of Jesus, and having seen many miracles, James and John no doubt thought that this would be a good way to prove to the Samarians that Jesus was also a man of God by reminding them of what had befallen earlier Samaritans. 

No wonder James and John had been called the Sons of Thunder by Jesus when he had first called them.  It was also these same two disciples who had asked to sit at the left and right hand of Jesus when he ruled his kingdom.   As on that occasion, they were, we are told, rebuked by Jesus – not I think because Jesus didn’t approve of what Elijah had done earlier but because they still “just didn’t get it” - that the actions of the Samaritans towards Jesus and his disciples was far less of an issue than the Baal-worshipping subjects of the earlier Samaritan king.  Jesus’s response is simply to move on and find a more accommodating village.  There is something here in this for us today too – when things don’t go our way, when people do not offer us sympathy, hospitality or any of those loving gifts of the spirit which Paul talks about in his letter to the Galatians, when instead we are met with disdain, hatred, strife, enmities then we simply move on.  God will deal with those issues himself in the fullness of time. It is not for us to judge or call down judgment but for God.

The second part of the reading, seems more confusing still in the context of what we have just looked at.  As he continues his journey through Samaria, Jesus appears to be very harsh on those who have felt called to follow him and he appears, at first glance, to have put unfair and unnecessary conditions on those who would follow him.

First we have the man who says he will follow Jesus anywhere.  Jesus makes it clear to him that to follow him he will need to leave his home and become nomadic with no one single place to call home.  Foxes, he says have holes and birds have nests but Jesus has nowhere to lay his head and, by association, neither will any of his disciples. We do not know what the young man’s response was.  In the parallel gospel of Matthew, we are told that the enquirer was a scribe and therefore probably had a regular job and income and probably went home every night and slept in the same bed.  Jesus is being brutally frank with him – following Jesus, being a disciple, will be uncomfortable – he hints at the physical – but as we know it will also be emotionally and spiritually challenging.

Secondly, we have the man who wants to bury his father first.  This is the bit that I’ve always found rather cruel on a first, second and even third reading.  However, an understanding of this lies in Jesus’s reply – “Let the dead bury their own dead”. In this response Jesus is talking about the spiritually dead.  He is saying “If you are called to follow me in your ministry then you are to be a servant of the living” – in other words those who are spiritually dead can bury the physically dead and the spiritually alive should be busy proclaiming the Kingdom of God.

A further explanation could be, and probably is, that the father was not dead.  It was the duty, under Jewish custom, for the eldest son to arrange the funeral of the father; but had the father already have been dead then it is unlikely that the son would have met Jesus as he would already be pre-occupied with the funeral arrangements.  It is more likely that the son was saying that once his father had died (which could be some time in the future) and he had fulfilled his filial duties then he would then follow Jesus.

The final example of a person being called was the man who wanted to say goodbye to his family.  This one I find the most bizarre and difficult of all.  It seems to be such a little thing to ask but again the best way to understand this is to study Jesus’s answer – “No-one who puts his hand to a plough and looks back is fit for service in the Kingdom of God”.

Having lived for most of my life in towns and cities I cannot verify the agricultural accuracy of this statement from my own knowledge but my understanding is that to plough a true and straight furrow you need to look where you are going, not where you have come from.  This I think is what Jesus is saying here – look forward not back.  Your call is to minister in the future and not regret or dwell on the past.  Jesus probably felt that if the man went back home he would allow his call to be diluted and maybe overridden by the views of his family.  Saying goodbye to the family would probably entail a long protracted farewell party too and Jesus wanted him now.

In each of these examples, Jesus is testing the call of the person concerned – to see if they really have been called and know what the commitment is – but once called and once answered, then, as Paul says the freedom of Christ has set us free from the yoke of the slavery of sin.  Salvation looks easy – we seek Jesus, he calls us and we join him.  Our reluctance therefore is down to us and the trappings of our earthly life which bind us up and prevent us from moving.

I started this sermon by talking about the call to ordination of the clergy.  The term “call” applies to any form of ministry – not just ordained ministry.  It might be to spread the gospel by our deeds, as St. Francis is reputed to have said, using only words if you must, in the workplace, in the job we do, home, school, community, football terraces, in the pub, club or street – anywhere. It might be service for or in the church but not necessarily.  God has a role for each and every one of us.  He has and will call us to his service.  We must listen for that call and when it comes be prepared to move outside our comfort zone.  God will never give us a task we cannot fulfil. It is for us to meet that challenge in the knowledge that he loves us and trusts us.  He won’t “nuke” us if we don’t;  but better still let’s welcome him and not let him pass on to another village.



Sunday, 16 June 2013


Sermon at All Saints Parish Church, Winterslow  -  Third  Sunday after Trinity - Parish Eucharist (Healing)  Service – Sunday 16 June 2013

2 Samuel 11.26-12.10; 13-15; Galatians 2.15-21; Luke 7.36-8.3

May the words of my mouth and the mediation of all our hearts be always acceptable to you, O Lord.  Amen

It is really wonderful and a great privilege to be here with you all this morning preaching in my “home church” - and to so many people I know so well.  Having said that, I do have in my head that piece of scripture which, although we haven’t heard it this morning, and I am certainly no prophet! – is nevertheless  in the forefront of my mind as I stand here in front of you – from Mark 6:4 – “Prophets are not without honour except in their hometown, and among their own kin and in their own house”. 

In our Old Testament reading from 2 Samuel we learn of David’s complicity in what amounted to murder – so that he could marry the wife of his loyal general, Uriah the Hittite – the beautiful Bathsheba after whom he had lusted when he saw her bathing from the rooftops of his palace.  From that moment on he had schemed to make her his own - resorting, eventually, to having her husband killed by placing him in the most dangerous place in a battle with the Ammonites.  When a child is subsequently born from that illicit union of David and Bathsheba, God, through Nathan the Prophet, tells David that the child will die in infancy – and sure enough it happens – after a short illness the child dies. The price paid, he is told, for his great sins of murder and adultery.  A great theme for Father’s day!

Our second reading is from Paul’s letter to the Galatians – a letter primarily written to a confused church in Galatia who were uncertain whether it was necessary to still follow the Jewish laws to become a true Christian (remembering that Jesus had said he had come to fulfil the law not to destroy it) or whether Gentiles, who did not follow Judaic law, could also be converted to Christianity. Paul’s explanation is that we are justified as Christians, not by simply obeying the law (very much an important part of Jewish faith), but by our simple faith that Jesus Christ died for our salvation and a belief in that alone is sufficient.  This is a theme later taken up by Augustine of Hippo and a main plank of Lutherism and Reformation theology. 

Finally, we had our reading from St. Luke’s gospel in which Jesus admonishes his host for not having greeted him properly and for not having given him water to wash his feet and failing to anoint his head with oil – traditions when a guest came to dinner in those days.  By contrast, he praises the “woman in the city” who has lavished much attention on him – a woman whom we are told is a sinner.  Probably a “lady of the night”. Her simple acts result in her sins being forgiven by Jesus – something which it would be difficult for the host, a Pharisee, to understand because according to Jewish law and custom, only the High Priest on the Day of Atonement could forgive sins. 

Each of these three readings is linked with the ideas of sin and forgiveness after a moving away from God – for each reading talks about a moving away from the law or customs of the day.   Although David is taught a terrible lesson for his adultery and murder, the loss of the first born child, he subsequently went on to have another son with Bathsheba – Solomon – who was to become renowned for his wisdom and for bringing peace and stability to the United Kingdom of Israel – an act showing God’s forgiveness and restoration towards David; Paul teaches that sins can be forgiven through the justification of faith and not just a strict adherence to law and ritual; and finally Jesus forgives the sinful woman through her actions of love towards him at the Pharisees’ dinner table.  Each act of forgiveness is a form of healing.

Today is a special day here in Winterslow.  It is Fathers’ Day and our service is one containing healing ministry.  If nothing else, I think our three readings each teach us the importance of the second commandment which Jesus emphasised to his disciples – to love one another – to treat each other properly with that same love Jesus showed during his earthly ministry – to respect each other and, as Paul says, to let Christ live in us so that we shine that love to others. Above all, such actions result in knowing that we have a Father who forgives us our sins – whatever they are.

During my current course on pastoral care, it has been emphasised time and time again the importance of getting alongside people and listening with three ears – one on the speaker to listen to what is being said;  one interpreting what and why we think it is being said and finally a third on what God is saying to us as we listen.  We should apply this to all our interactions with people and especially our children. We should be good role models for our children and others around us, like the woman in the gospel story, being prepared to spend that extra bit of time lavishing love and care.  Those of us who are fathers know only too well that our time can so easily be taken up with earning a living, or finding it hard or impossible to earn a living ; with dealing with all the stresses that life and work or lack of work brings and not giving enough time for our family and children. The Pharisee in our gospel reading probably was so busy with arranging things for his guest that he forgot the simple common courtesies of the water and the oil.  It is often the little trivial things of life which get in the way of the greater needs of giving love and affection to those around us.  The story is told of the little boy who saw his father spending a great deal of time on his laptop, mobile phone and going to meetings – getting up early in the morning and coming home late - all of which kept him away from having quality time with his son.  Intrigued by what his father was actually doing he asked him “Dad, how much do you get paid for doing all this work?”  The father, rather indignantly responded – “Well it’s not really any of your business but since you ask I get paid £60 per hour”.  That night as the father passed the little boy’s bedroom he heard him on his knees praying his night prayers by his bed. Interested to hear what he was saying he put his ear to the door and he heard his son say “Dear Lord Jesus, please help me save up £60 so I can spend an hour with Dad”.

As children of God we are incredibly lucky.  We don’t have to say such prayers – God is spending time with us 24/7.  He is with us, as Psalm 139 says, “when we sit up, when we lie down, there is nowhere we can go where He is not there”.  Sometimes, though, I think He needs to ask us where we are?  Just like the son in the story, just like Jesus at Simon the Pharisee’s house, just like Paul in his address to the Galatians and also the prophet Nathan to David – the question posed by God is is where are you?  Why have you moved away from me?  Why do you do things of which I do not approve?

We need only to acknowledge our faith – just as we will shortly be doing in the Creed.   God is always ready to forgive us if we have genuine faith – he wants us to make him the centre of our life – to take a leaf out of his book – to be Christ-centric.  Unlike David, we have Jesus and the Holy Spirit through whom we can seek and receive forgiveness and healing.  As we each come up to take part in the Lord’s supper later, let’s each of us ask God to help us prioritise and remove those blocks and burdens which prevent us from engaging more fully with Him and our Faith. To take away those things which get in the way of a full relationship with God on an hour by hour, minute by minute basis.  To help us overcome those distractions which move us away from God, on those things which we focus on too much instead of God.

I am one of the worst procastinators you can find and get easily distracted.  That applies also, I have to confess, very often to my prayer and faith life.  I can so readily identify with those biblical characters who did lose the plot, lost the focus on God – Peter, David, Jonah, Eli and so on.  But the great thing is that we can re-focus and we can so easily put things right.  Let’s begin that process today.  Let’s ask God through the Holy Spirit to help us get the balance of our spiritual life right and get our spirituality back into focus.
