Friday 5 April 2024


Sermon at All Saints’ Parish Church, Winterslown   -  Easter Sunday Eucharist  – Sunday 31 March 2024

Isaiah 25:6-9; Acts 10:34-43; Mark 16:1-8

May I speak in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.

Today’s readings should bring an overwhelming sense of joy and emotion to Christians throughout the whole – a reminder that Jesus having been executed by the cruellest of methods by the Roman occupiers of Judea – has risen on the third day and is alive.  Whenever I read or hear today’s gospel passage it always sends a feeling of upwelling emotions and tears.

One of my favourite films, largely because I love railways and trains (in fact my current house lies on the old trackbed of the Salisbury to Bournemouth railway), is “The Railway Children” – the 1970 version directed by Lionel Jeffries with Jenny Agutter, Sally Thomsett, Dinah Sheridan Bernard Cribbins and William Mervyn (of the Church of England sitcom All Gas and Gaiters fame).  This wonderful story written by Edith Nesbit in 1906 tells the story, I am sure you will recall, of three children and their mother who are forced to leave fashionable London and live in a small house near a village with a railway station because their father, who holds an important position in the Civil Service, has been falsely accused of being a traitor, a spy, and put in prison.  We later find out that a work colleague framed him to cover for his own crime.

The book and film tells the story of the adventures which the children get up to in and around the railway line and station including preventing a train wreck after a landslide, preventing an injured schoolboy being killed in a railway tunnel and helping a foreigner to be re-united with his family. There is also a scene, you will recall, where the boy Peter attempts to steal coal from the station yard in order to provide heat for his poorly mother.  During their time away from London they have to survive much deprivation which their changed circumstances have brought about and after an affluent life in London, their changed circumstances and the stigma of their father’s incarceration prove to be a great challenge.

The scene which I want to remind you of, though, is that moment when Roberta, the elder daughter played by Jenny Agutter, is told by the station master (Bernard Cribbins) that “today is a very special day – I’ve seen it in the papers”.  She has no idea what he is talking about but feels that everyone and everything seems a little odd and she wants to be alone.  The passengers on the train all wave to her and the station master seems to be so excited as he fusses around, as do the passengers waiting for the train to arrive.

It does not matter how many times I see the film version, or even think about that final scene, as I am doing now, my eyes always well up with emotional tears of joy as Roberta sees her falsely accused, but now released, father standing with his case on the platform as the smoke from the locomotive disperses and she shouts “Daddy my Daddy”!

For me, there is a direct parallel here with the Easter Story.  Like Roberta’s father, Jesus was falsely accused of seditious activity against the Roman authorities and paid the price for others’ sins.  Indeed he paid the ultimate penalty and Jesus’s followers and family must have felt that his ministry and life were firmly over.  That Good Friday and Easter Saturday must have been absolutely dreadful for them – just like the children in the railway children – their life had been turned upside down and doubts must have entered their heads as to what or who Jesus had been. 

We have been journeying with Jesus through Lent, Holy Week and shared his pain as we have remembered and re-enacted the events of Good Friday; but here we are on Easter Day, standing on the steamy platform like Roberta as Jesus Resurrected appears to us through the narrative of Mary Magdalene and Mary mother of James. Upon realising that Jesus was back, the feeling which they must have had must have been that same overwhelming feeling of joy as we experience with Roberta in that film scene; and like Roberta they are amazed and confused and we read also terrified at the same time.  For me, like watching that scene again and again, I still get an incredible lump in my throat when I hear and read that passage read as I explained earlier; but for me I know how the story ends, the two Mary’s didn’t.  It was an experience so remarkable that it was difficult for them to comprehend.

At times when our Faith is tested it is good to remember this passage. In today’s extensive secular society Christians continue to be persecuted for their beliefs – especially surrounding the resurrection.  The early Christians had much to put up with from non-believers; in fact even those who believed struggled, such as those disciples on the road to Emmaus.  Luke, in the reading from Acts which we also heard read this morning, recalls Peter speaking to those surrounding Cornelius’s House reminding them of the great sacrifice made for all mankind – not just those of the Jewish Faith. Cornelius, you will remember was a Roman Centurion who heard God calling him to summon Peter to his where he, his family and his whole household were baptised as Christians following a vision which Peter had demonstrating that it was not just those of the Jewish Faith who obeyed the Mosaic Law who were worthy of being Christians but everyone and everyone who accepts Jesus as their true saviour who died on the Cross for the sins of all.  That such believers and followers will receive forgiveness through his name.

I think it is wonderful that, like the name of a seaside town running through the length of a stick of rock from first lick to last lick, the coming of Jesus as our Saviour permeates the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Our First Testament reading from Isaiah is an example of this when it is written:

“… the Lord GOD will wipe away the tears from all faces, and the disgrace of his people he will take away from all the Earth, for the LORD has spoken.  It will be said on that day, Lo, this is our God, we have waited for him, so that he might save us.  This is the LORD for whom we have waited; let us be glad and rejoice in his salvation”.

There are really two important points which Isaiah conveys – first of all, he will wipe away the tears of all, he will take away the disgrace from all the Earth; and secondly, here is an acknowledgement that the LORD (Yahweh) for whom we have waited has come and that therefore Jesus is indeed GOD (Yahweh) incarnate.

Whenever my Faith is shaken or I feel not quite in tune with God I remember these words. I remember the fact that in the context of the universe which God created as a whole, our little planet is so insignificant. It is one of the smaller planets revolving around a small yellow dwarf star, on the outer limits of a galaxy which is not the largest of a group of galaxies a group which is one of the smaller ones contained in a larger galactic cluster set in the infinity of a universe whose boundaries we cannot currently discern.  Yet, despite this, the Creator God was so concerned and compassionate about us and the way in which we were going, he sent himself, in the form of Jesus, to save us from ourselves.

We live in an ever-increasing secular world – in a world where most worship material things – money, possessions, celebrities. We live in a world where untruths abound and through social media we spread gossip and lies without stopping to examine their veracity or the harm they do to others. We are constantly being led by false shepherds, false prophets, people who appeal to our greed.  They spread Bad News because it appeals to us – conspiracies, and rumours or because it fills their pockets with our hard-earned money. 

As Christians, we have to stand up against such falseness and fake news and we do so by going back to the message of Jesus – “I am the way the truth and the life”.  It is our role as Christians to spread this Good News to all we meet in our daily lives.

It grieves me so much to see a world which honours and follows those who appeal to our poorer nature and instincts instead of inspiring us to follow Christ and his teachings of loving one another as God loves us.

I am optimistic though.  Just as everything worked out well in the end for Roberta and her family in the Railway Children, justice did prevail, her father was restored to his family and his position – no manner of falsehood or fake accusations could destroy them in the end.  I daresay the whole family though benefited from going through the turmoil of giving up their comfortable life in London for a harder but I think richer life in the Yorkshire countryside.

Likewise, through Jesus’s passion, death and resurrection we are richer in that we are now able to access God directly through Jesus and the Holy Spirit and can be restored to the people which God created us to be. Let us not simple proclaim this with our Alleluia’s in church but in our daily lives as we spread this Good News to all we meet.

 Amen                                                                                                   MFB/200/27032024


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