Tuesday 13 October 2020



Sermon on 18th Sunday after Trinity  -  Clarendon Team Service during Coronvirus Restrictions     Sunday 11th October 2020

Philippians 4:1-9

In our reading this morning from Paul’s letter to the Christians in Philippi, we hear some very familiar words – the words probably made even more familiar to any of those of you who have sung in a sacred choir.  Indeed Henry Purcell’s setting of the words “Rejoice in the Lord always” is one of my most favourite anthems which I sang on many occasions in my youth in a church choir in Lincolnshire and indeed in Lincoln Cathedral itself.

But for many, in these days of pandemic, we can be forgiven for thinking these words being rather hollow.  What, actually, is there to rejoice about?  The world which we have known and felt secure with for most of our lives seems to be falling apart. 

In fact, Paul’s situation when he wrote this relatively short letter, was far from one of safety and comfort.  He was actually “in chains”, in prison yet he sought to write a letter of warning to his fellow Christians – for that, for the most part, is what this letter is.  His letter begins with a prayer of love and joy for its recipients because he has been well pleased with their spiritual growth but he is also anxious that they do not fall by the wayside and that their Christian growth continues. The Philippians are living in a city fiercely loyal to Rome and their pagan ways and so Paul, who is suffering in prison, is wanting to give encouragement to the Christian community to carry on with the good work and longs for them to enjoy progressively richer and deeper spiritual knowledge which will mould their lives to God’s pattern. 

Chapter 4, in particular, is a cry of encouragement despite the culture and difficulties of the day.  Despite the fact that this letter was written to a Christian community nearly two thousand years ago it could have been written to us only yesterday.

It seems from the first couple of verses read this morning that two Philippian Christian women, Euodia and Syntyche have quarrelled.  Since Paul is dealing with this in a public letter it would appear that it was probably more than a private squabble.  It suggests that they were probably two of the church’s leaders (co-workers) and so their differences could put the whole Christian community in jeopardy. Paul urges the whole church to help them resolve their differences for the benefit of the community at large.  We do not know what the disagreement was about but Paul’s next line, the “rejoice in the Lord always …” suggests that he is imploring his readers to act with gentleness and compassion so that others outside of the Christian community can see the special way, the Christian way, humankind should act.

In Verse 4 he reminds them (and us) that the Lord is always near and that we should not worry about anything.  We simply need to pray about things but in every request we make we should also give thanks for what we have already received – indeed, God’s gift of his only Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Prayer, supplication and thanksgiving – they are all intrinsically interwoven.

In the last two verses of today’s reading, Paul exhorts his readers to think and concentrate,  at all times, on those things which are true, honourable, just, pure, pleasing, commendable, excellent.  We should keep on acting and living our lives with these things always at the forefront of all we do.

Today we seem to live in a world of falsehoods – at least with the proliferation of social media it is becoming increasingly difficult to discern truth from falsehood. We seem to be becoming increasingly polarised in our views.  What is one person’s truth seems to be another’s fake news. The media bombard us daily with negatives, for bad news sells better than good.  If we go with the flow of negatives then that is precisely where we will end up – negatively, having nothing to rejoice about, wrapped up in our own misery and desolation.

The antidote to all this is quite simple – we need to continually count our blessings – to pray the prayer of thanksgiving – to remember all those good things which God has done.  I found that helpful recently on my week’s break in the Lake District.  Forgetting all the bad news in the media, it was so therapeutic just to look upon those massive Cumbrian Mountains which have been there for millions of years and to feel part of God’s wonderful creation;  to walk upon those fells and commune with nature.  Paul’s words came flooding back and I found myself inwardly humming the words of Purcell’s Anthem, the words with which Paul exhorts us to live our lives – “Rejoice in the Lord Always, and again I say rejoice!”  We do indeed have so much to rejoice about.



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